Reminder- Register for "Hot Topics for Preparedness"

We are pleased to invite you to attend the upcoming "Hot Topics for Preparedness" Conference that will take place on Wednesday, May 8th, from 8:30 am-4:30pm at the Granite Links Golf Club in Quincy.  This full day, multidisciplinary conference will feature key and emerging emergency preparedness topics and presentations and is open to MRPC Stakeholders as well as hospital emergency department staff, Ambulatory Care Facilities, EMS, Police and Fire. The conference is sponsored by the MRPC and is a joint planning effort of the MRPC and the Metro Boston EMS Council.


Breakfast and lunch will be provided, and nursing CEU's, CME's and OEMS hours have been applied for with additional information to come. Register for Hot Topics for Preparedness by close of business this Friday May 3rd, 2019. To register please click here and if you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask. 


Reminder Please Register for- Operationalizing Emergency Plans: Incident Command in Action


Lawrence Memorial ED - Permanently Closed