Jill White Jill White

EMS Recruitment for COVID-19 Vaccine Trial

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Brigham and Women’s Hospital researchers are looking for volunteers to participate in a COVID-19 Vaccine research study. Attached is some informational material regarding this Trial. If you are interested or if you have any questions, please contact a member of their study staff by Phone: 978-822-2463 or E-mail: vaccines@partners.org. The timeline is tight, as there are limited spots and enrollment has already begun.


For more information, visit their website bit.ly/covidvax or in Spanish bit.ly/covidvax-esp.


●  Their team is recruiting folks in the Boston area for this study.   However, they are part of a national network (the Coronavirus Prevention Network, or CoVPN) which is recruiting throughout the country.


●  They are broadly recruiting folks who are at increased risk of COVID-19.  Their main exclusion criteria are people who have had COVID-19 and people who are pregnant. 


●  The study consists of around seven (7) scheduled visits over the course of two (2) years. The study involves a receiving vaccine or placebo, blood draws, and health monitoring. Their team is conducting this study at three (3) locations   in Boston:


  • Brigham and Women's Hospital
    75 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115


  • Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center
    640 Centre St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130


  • Brigham and Women’s Health Care Center
    830 Boylston Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467


●  Interested participants in the Boston area can go to their Rally page (bit.ly/covidvax) which has more information about this study, and contains their pre-screening questionnaire.  You can also learn more about their study team and research at bwhvaxx.org. Paulette Chandler, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Associate Epidemiologist, Division of Preventive Medicine; Associate Physician, Phyllis Jen Center of Primary Care at Brigham and Women’s Hospital is willing to discuss the study with you by phone. Dr. Chandler’s phone numbers are clinic 617-732-6043, office 617-732-8574  or email pchandler@bwh.harvard.edu .

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