Jill White Jill White

EMS Recruitment for COVID-19 Vaccine Trial

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Brigham and Women’s Hospital researchers are looking for volunteers to participate in a COVID-19 Vaccine research study. Attached is some informational material regarding this Trial. If you are interested or if you have any questions, please contact a member of their study staff by Phone: 978-822-2463 or E-mail: vaccines@partners.org. The timeline is tight, as there are limited spots and enrollment has already begun.


For more information, visit their website bit.ly/covidvax or in Spanish bit.ly/covidvax-esp.


●  Their team is recruiting folks in the Boston area for this study.   However, they are part of a national network (the Coronavirus Prevention Network, or CoVPN) which is recruiting throughout the country.


●  They are broadly recruiting folks who are at increased risk of COVID-19.  Their main exclusion criteria are people who have had COVID-19 and people who are pregnant. 


●  The study consists of around seven (7) scheduled visits over the course of two (2) years. The study involves a receiving vaccine or placebo, blood draws, and health monitoring. Their team is conducting this study at three (3) locations   in Boston:


  • Brigham and Women's Hospital
    75 Francis Street, Boston, MA 02115


  • Southern Jamaica Plain Health Center
    640 Centre St, Jamaica Plain, MA 02130


  • Brigham and Women’s Health Care Center
    830 Boylston Street, Chestnut Hill, MA 02467


●  Interested participants in the Boston area can go to their Rally page (bit.ly/covidvax) which has more information about this study, and contains their pre-screening questionnaire.  You can also learn more about their study team and research at bwhvaxx.org. Paulette Chandler, MD, MPH, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Harvard Medical School; Associate Epidemiologist, Division of Preventive Medicine; Associate Physician, Phyllis Jen Center of Primary Care at Brigham and Women’s Hospital is willing to discuss the study with you by phone. Dr. Chandler’s phone numbers are clinic 617-732-6043, office 617-732-8574  or email pchandler@bwh.harvard.edu .

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Jill White Jill White

UPDATED Comprehensive Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Guidance

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health continues to work with state, federal and local partners on the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, and we continue to appreciate the essential role you have in responding to this evolving situation.


The Department of Public Health has developed updated comprehensive PPE guidance (see attached), based upon changes made to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommendations about eye protection.


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Jill White Jill White

Please Do Not Idle!

A friendly reminder from our friends at Tufts Medical Center regarding idling outside their facility

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Jill White Jill White

EMS Week “Convoy of Champions”

In honor of EMS Week, Dinah Olanoff, Cataldo Ambulance has notified us that The Boston Red Sox, Mayor Marty Walsh, the Mass Ambulance Association and Municipal Ambulance Providers are proudly hosting the “2020 Convoy of Champions”. The event will be live streamed as it gets underway Wednesday, May 20th at 1:15 pm in Worcester and available for viewing at www.massambulance.org/convoy. There will be a parade of more than 50 ambulances, representing more than 20,000 paramedics, EMTs and 911 dispatchers, that will travel from UMass Medical Center in Worcester to the warning track inside Fenway Park.

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Jill White Jill White

Deadline for Battelle Critical Care Decontamination System N95 Masks THIS SUNDAY

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The collection period the deadline for this collection is Sunday May 3rd, no later than 1600 hours, with the exception of the South Suburban Sub-Region as indicated on their information below.. You will need to contact the sub-region designated point of contact prior to delivery to ensure that someone will be there to receive your delivery. Please see the following Region IV Sub-region designation form for points of contact, delivery locations, and service identification codes.

Should you have questions regarding any of the material, please contact Derrick Congdon, Executive Director, via email at dcongdon@mbemsc.org.

Instructions for Region IV EMS Services and Sub-region Coordinators: Preparation and Collection of Compatible N95 Respirators for Decontamination by the Battelle Memorial Institute Using the Battelle Decontamination System

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has authorized an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the emergency use of the Battelle CCDS Critical Care Decontamination System™ (hereafter referred to as the “Battelle Decontamination System”) operated by the Battelle Memorial Institute (“Battelle”), for use in decontaminating compatible N95 or N95-equivalent respirators (“compatible N95 respirators”), for reuse by healthcare personnel. Healthcare personnel should follow these instructions, as well as procedures at their healthcare facility, to prepare compatible N95 respirators for decontamination by Battelle using the Battelle Decontamination System.

Due to incompatibility, the Battelle Decontamination System is not authorized for use with respirators containing cellulose-based materials

All compatible N95 respirators provided to Battelle must be free of any visual soiling or contamination (e.g., blood, bodily fluids, makeup)

If N95 respirators are soiled or damaged, they will be disposed of and not returned after decontamination



On-Site Collection/Marking

1. EMS services should create a collection station at the point of generation (i.e. garage/ambulance base)

2. Each station should have a bag provided by the service to collect compatible N95 respirators. NOTE: Bags are for compatible N95 respirators only. Do not throw other personal protective equipment (such as gloves), paper towels, or waste in the collection bag.

3. With a permanent marker, the EMS staff should label their own individual compatible N95 respirators with a three-digit site code and a 2-digit location identifier (as shown below). The unique three (3) digit site code corresponds to the Metropolitan Boston EMS Council (Region IV). The two (2) digit location identifier corresponds to a specific sub-region with in Region IV and the individual EMS service.

4. EMS staff should follow the instructions provided by Battelle in Instructions for Healthcare Personnel: Preparation of Compatible N95 Respirators for Decontamination by the Battelle Memorial Institute Using the Battelle Decontamination. (See Attached Instructions for Healthcare Personnel)

Region Code Sub-region/Service Code


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Preparation for Shipment by EMS Service: 

1. Bags containing the contaminated compatible N95 respirators to be decontaminated by Battelle (“primary collection bag” provided by the EMS service) should be closed. 

2. Place the primary collection bag into another bag (“secondary collection bag” provided by the EMS service), which is then closed. 

3. Decontaminate the secondary collection bag with alcohol or other suitable decontaminant. 

4. Place the decontaminated bags into a rigid, closed box (i.e. cardboard), supplied by the EMS service, clearly labeled with a biohazard symbol, and tape the box securely shut. 

5. Label the outside of the box with the 3-digit region code and 2-digit location identifier.

6. Complete a Region IV Chain of Custody Form for your EMS Service.

7. Deliver the completed box to the designated Region IV sub-region coordinator for transport to Battelle. All deliveries to the sub-region coordinators must be completed by 16:00 hours, the Sunday evening before transfer date to Battelle beginning April 26, 2020. This will be the first delivery to Battelle. Once we determine the number of PPE processed during this shipment, we will determine if collections will be weekly or bi-weekly moving forward.


Sub-region Shipment of completed boxes is under the Metropolitan Boston EMS Council agreement with Battelle: 

1. Gather all boxes at designated sub-region location (see attached spreadsheet for your exact Sub-region location); completed one chain of custody form (provided by Battelle) per shipment, noting the number of boxes. 

2. Transfer boxes to designated Battelle location in Somerville, Massachusetts for decontamination.

3. Transfer decontaminated PPE from Battelle location in Somerville, Massachusetts back to sub-region for redistribution.

4. Notify Region when decontaminated PPE has been returned from Battelle, so the services in the sub-region can be notified to pick-up at the designated location.

Reuse Information: 

Following decontamination, you will be provided decontaminated compatible N95 respirators that have been processed through a decontamination system for reuse by healthcare personnel in a healthcare setting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Before reuse, the healthcare facility should review the chain of custody form, which indicates successful decontamination, accompanying the returned respirators. The healthcare facility should also inspect each returned, decontaminated compatible N95 respirator for: 

1. Numeric indication of the decontamination cycle number. NOTE: Compatible N95 respirators will be disposed of after 20 decontamination cycles. 

2. Visible damage or soiling. NOTE: Compatible N95 Respirators should be discarded and not reused if visually damaged or soiled. 

Any problems should be immediately reported to Battelle and the Metropolitan Boston EMS Council. 

Battelle Contact: 1-800-201-2011 or solutions@battelle.org

Metropolitan Boston EMS Council Contact: 781- 505-4367 or dcongdon@mbemsc.org

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Jill White Jill White

Guidance for EMS on the Use of PPE in Long Term Care Facilities

The purpose of this communication is to share new guidance on the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) by First Responders and EMS when entering a nursing home or rest home (long term care facility).


In alignment with the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) and due to the widespread community transmission of COVID-19, the Department of Public Health (DPH) is advising all first responders, including but not limited to, fire personnel, law enforcement, and EMS personnel, to assume when responding to an event at a long term care facility that the individuals they are interacting with are infected with COVID-19. First responders and EMS personnel should don the appropriate PPE recommended for caring for individuals who are infected with COVID-19.  


There is also a document with Nursing Home Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for First Responders & Municipalities.

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Jill White Jill White

OEMS to issue Temporary EMT Certifications

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) continues to work with state, federal and local partners on the outbreak of novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, and we continue to appreciate the essential role you have in responding to this evolving situation. 

In accordance with the Commissioner of Public Health’s April 3, 2020 order maximizing health care provider availability, to respond to Governor Baker’s declared State of Emergency, the Department is issuing temporary EMT certification, upon request, to applicants who either:

  • Currently hold EMT certification/licensure, at any level) in another state, which has not been revoked, suspended, surrendered or are otherwise not in good standing in another state; OR

  • Previously held Massachusetts EMT certification, but it has expired within the last 10 years (at any level). This does not include certifications that have been revoked, suspended or surrendered.

Applicants may request these temporary certifications by emailing oems.recert@state.ma.us, or by completing the attached application form (soon to be available on the DPH/Office of Emergency Medical Services website), and submitting it to the office by FAX or mail, along with copies of their current CPR credential (and ACLS for Paramedics).  DPH will not accept or review requests for temporary certification from applicants who do not have current CPR or ACLS, as appropriate to their level, credentials. Note that due to the COVID-19 State of Emergency, any CPR or ACLS credential that expired on or after February 1, 2020, is deemed current through July 1, 2020. Applicants who currently or have previously held certification in other states will need to provide a verification from the other states (the applicant must request verification from the state in which the applicant is certified; that state (or states) must complete the form and submit it directly to DPH/OEMS). National Registry of EMTs (NREMT) certification is not required for temporary certification, and there is no fee.

Once OEMS receives a complete application, we will expedite review and processing, and temporary EMTs will receive an email confirmation once the temporary certification has been issued. Temporary certifications will be immediately visible at https://checkalicense.hhs.state.ma.us, and may be verified there at any time.

Temporary certifications will remain valid until the termination of the state of emergency for out of state EMTs, and 90 days following the termination of the state of emergency for previously MA certified EMTs. Temporary EMTs who wish to become fully certified as EMTs after their temporary certification expires must meet all the standard regulatory entry/reinstatement requirements (including holding National Registry certification).


Temporary EMTs may function in connection with a licensed ambulance service at the full scope of practice for their level – but must do so in accordance with Statewide Treatment Protocols and must have received authorization to practice from the service’s affiliate hospital medical director. Ambulance services are responsible for ensuring Temporary EMTs receive required education/orientation and authorization to practice before they begin to work.


Please contact oems.recert@state.ma.us with any additional questions

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Jill White Jill White

OEMS Issues Comprehensive Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Guidance

The purpose of this communication is to share comprehensive guidance, based upon the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations, to clarify the Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that health care personnel (HCP) use in the clinical care areas, particularly during this time when we are optimizing our supplies.


This guidance includes information about facemasks, eye protection, isolation gowns, gloves, respirators, and PPE for COVID-19 Patient Care.


The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) continues to work with state, federal and local partners on the outbreak of Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, and we continue to appreciate the essential role you have in responding to this evolving situation.


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Jill White Jill White

Temporary MIH Applications for COVID-19

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) continues to work with state, federal and local partners on the outbreak of novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, and we continue to appreciate the essential role you have in responding to this evolving situation. 


In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, DPH is releasing the below document:


  • Memorandum providing guidance on applying for a temporary Mobile Integrated Health Care (MIH) license during the duration of the COVID-19 emergency.  DPH will waive fees and expedite review for applicants that meet the requirements outlined in the guidance.  


For any questions about the Protocol, please contact please contact the MIH manager at MIH@state.ma.us or via phone at (617) 753-8484.


The DPH COVID-19 website, which is updated on a daily basis, can be accessed at www.mass.gov/2019coronavirus.

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Jill White Jill White

Guidance: Health Care Personnel with Potential Exposure to Patients with COVID-19

From DPH:

Dear Colleagues,


The purpose of this communication is to share the attached new guidance from the Department of Public Health (DPH) on health care personnel with potential exposure to patients with COVID-19, issued in accordance with guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Interim U.S. Guidance for Risk Assessment and Public Health Management of Healthcare Personnel with Potential Exposure in a Healthcare Setting to Patients with Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).


DPH strongly encourages all health care facilities and providers in Massachusetts to monitor the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) website for up-to-date information and resources:

CMS website: https://www.cms.gov/About-CMS/Agency-Information/Emergency/EPRO/Current-Emergencies/Current-Emergencies-page

CDC website: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/healthcare-facilities/index.html


Additionally, please visit DPH’s website that provides up-to-date information on COVID-19 in Massachusetts:  https://www.mass.gov/2019coronavirus.

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Jill White Jill White

Order of the Commissioner of Public Health Regarding the Sharing of Critical Information with First Responders

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) continues to work with state, federal and local partners on the outbreak of novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19), caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2, and we continue to appreciate the essential role you have in responding to this evolving situation. 


In response to the COVID-19 outbreak, the Commissioner signed the attached Order requiring local boards of health to disclose to the official with the responsibility for administering the response to emergency calls in their jurisdiction the addresses of any individuals living in their jurisdiction who the local board of health has been informed have tested positive for COVID-19. The disclosure of this information is limited to an individual’s address only. No other identifying information, including names, will be provided to emergency responders. Information disclosed as part of this Order is to be used for responding to emergency calls only.

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Jill White Jill White



The Metropolitan Boston EMS Council, Inc (MBEMSC) in 2010 purchased a regional cache of PPE using funds from a private grant.  The intent of the cache was to be able to provide Region 4 EMS services with access to PPE in the time of a severe supply chain demand issue for service providers unable to receive ordered supplies through their routine vendors during a pandemic or other incident. MBEMSC purchased enough PPE for 25,000 patient encounters.  The supply of PPE includes gowns, surgical masks, and goggles. While the cache does have N95 masks in them they will not be released, initially due to expiration. The Council is actively working with the FDA, CDC, and NIOSH to expand the shelf-life of the N95s.


As of March 16, 2020 the Metropolitan Boston EMS Council has elected to release its PPE cache based on these guiding principles:


1.     The cache is for MBEMSC EMS Services only.  While many entities across the state are short on supplies, this cache was implemented for Region-4 EMS distribution only.   As such, only the EMS services that fall within Region 4 are eligible to participate.


2.     The cache must be replenished.  When the supply chain is restored, replacement PPE will be ordered.


3.     In order to replenish the inventory, participating services will need to purchase the cache items.  Since the cache was developed with private funds (and not state/federal funds), services wishing to participate will be required to purchase the supplies they receive.  Pricing is based on industry pricing.  Items will be sold at market value incorporating estimated associated costs such as shipping/handling.


4.     Expired items will not be distributed, initially.  This only applies to N95s, which are all expired.  MBEMSC is actively working with the FDA, CDC, and NIOSH to expand the shelf-life of the N95s that are in the cache.  Likely, the only way these will be used is if all other methods of N95s and surgical masks are depleted nationally.


5.     Distribution must be equitable.  Distribution of the cache will be based on an EMS services 2019 call volume.  Many (if not all) services are facing various degrees of shortages.  To best gauge need & risk, current PPE status will not be factored into the distribution.  Instead, current PPE status is being collected to provide state and federal resources with a more accurate summary of our regional needs.


6.     Distribution will be performed once.  To facilitate the rapid release of supplies, once the quantity of supplies allocated per service is calculated, all available supplies will be released.  It is important to note that some services may not immediately need all items that they are allotted.  In the event your service is allotted supplies you do not need, please notify us prior to payment/receipt of supplies so that redistribution can be evaluated.


7.     Payment must be received before receipt of supplies.  To ensure the future replacement of the cache, once your service’s allotment has been determined, you will receive an order form with the amount due.  Prior to receiving your supplies, you will need to submit payment to MBEMSC in the form of check or money order.


In order to participate in the cache release, please submit this survey by 12:00 PM on Wednesday, 03/18/2020.  https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MBEMSC-PPE-03162020


We’re pleased to be able to offer this service.  If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call our Office. 

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Jill White Jill White

COVID-19 Updates - CDC for EMS Personnel

Important updates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) on interim guidance for EMS personnel who anticipate close contact with individuals with suspected or confirmed novel Coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) in the course of their work:

The interim guidance has been updated based on currently available information about COVID-19 and the current situation in the United States, which includes reports of cases of community transmission, infections identified in healthcare personnel (HCP), and shortages of facemasks, N95 filtering facepiece respirators (FFRs) (commonly known as N95 respirators), and gowns.

The full guidance is available online at https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/hcp/guidance-for-ems.html. Please share this guidance broadly with EMS personnel working for your ambulance service.

Key points from the guidance updated on March 10, 2020 include the following:

Early reports suggest person-to-person transmission most commonly happens during close exposure to a person infected with COVID-19, primarily via respiratory droplets produced when the infected person coughs or sneezes. Airborne transmission from person-to-person over long distances is unlikely.Based on local and regional situational analysis of PPE supplies, facemasks are an acceptable alternative when the supply chain is limited.When shortages have been identified, available respirators should be prioritized for procedures that are likely to generate respiratory aerosols, which would pose the highest exposure risk to EMS and healthcare personnel.Eye protection, gown, and gloves continue to be recommended. If there are shortages of gowns, they should be prioritized for aerosol-generating procedures, care activities where splashes and sprays are anticipated and high-contact patient care activities that provide opportunities for transfer of pathogens to the hands and clothing of EMS and healthcare personnel. When the supply chain is restored, fit-tested EMS clinicians should return to use of respirators for patients with known or suspected COVID-19. Clean and disinfect the vehicle in accordance with standard operating procedures. All surfaces that may have come in contact with the patient or materials contaminated during patient care should be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected using an EPA-registered hospital grade disinfectant in accordance with the product label.The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has updated guidance about recommended EPA-registered disinfectants that meet the criteria for use against SARS-CoV-2, which is posted online at: https://www.epa.gov/pesticide-registration/list-n-disinfectants-use-against-sars-cov-2.

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Jill White Jill White

Temporary AR-2-212 EMT Continuing Education Change

With the concern of COVID-2019, many facilities have cancelled their M&M Rounds and other training sessions. In response to these cancellations, and for the safety of our providers, the Department has temporarily changed AR-2-212 to allow for a provider who is renewing their certification during this renewal period to complete more of their training via Distributive Education. 

·         These restrictions are temporarily adjusted as follows:

o   One-third (1/3) of the continuing education course hours to meet the National category may be done through Distributive Education.

o   Two thirds (2/3) of the hours for the Local category can be done through Distributive Education.

o   All of the hours to meet Individual category may be done through Distributive Education, in accordance with the NCCP.

As of April 1, 2020, the restrictions on distributive education will revert to the prior standard with respect to the Local category, as described above. There are no required courses or content that must be taken for this category at this time. Please keep in mind that all EMTs working for an ambulance service as EMTs have required courses in order to staff ambulances. If these courses receive OEMS Continuing Education approval numbers, they may be eligible towards renewal of an individual’s EMT certification.

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